Name | Preview | Hex color code |
Yellow | #fabb00 |
Red | #d41120 |
Blue | #0088cc |
Name | Preview | Hex color code |
Black | #000000 |
White | #ffffff |
Grey | #666666 |
Grey (lighter) | #bfbfbf |
Grey (lightest) | #d2d5d5 |
Grey (dark) | #464646 |
Grey (darker) | #53656b |
Grey (darkest) | #000a12 |
Fonts are implemented via Adobe TypeKit. Not all Fonts are used on the website. This list should be checked after most components are complete.
Name | Link to EULA |
FF Meta Correspondence Pro | Regular |
Bold | |
FF Meta Serif Pro | Book |
Light | |
Italic | |
FF Meta Pro | Medium |
Light Italic | |
Bold | |
Normal | |
Book | |
Black | |
FF Meta Pro Condensed | Bold |
Bold Italic | |
Normal | |
Extra Bold | |
Medium | |
Book |