User login form

    @desc For a proper layout, especially Typo3's own utility class "frame-layout-1" is required. It fixes a
        grid-in-grid issue and the top margin to align with context menu.
    @author Tibor Legat
<div id="c1423" class=" cell small-12 medium-12 large-12 frame frame-default frame-type-login frame-layout-1">
    <div class="tx-felogin-pi1">
        <div>Geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Passwort ein, um sich an der Website anzumelden.</div>
        <!-- ###LOGIN_FORM### -->
        <form action="#" target="_top" method="post">
            <div class="grid-x grid-margin-x grid-margin-y">
                <div class="cell">
                    <div class="o-form__field">
                        <div class="o-form__fluid">
                            <div class="o-form__field">
                                <div class="o-form__fluid">
                                    <input title="" type="text" class="o-form__input o-form__input--text " placeholder="Bitte ausfüllen" aria-describedby="input-01" required>
                                    <label class="o-form__label">Benutzername<span class="required">*</span></label>
                                <span class="o-form__status o-form__status--warning">
                                <span class="o-form__info" id="input-01"></span>
                <div class="cell">
                    <div class="o-form__field">
                        <div class="o-form__fluid">
                            <div class="o-form__field">
                                <div class="o-form__fluid">
                                    <input title="" type="text" class="o-form__input o-form__input--text " placeholder="Bitte ausfüllen" aria-describedby="input-01" required>
                                    <label class="o-form__label">Passwort<span class="required">*</span></label>
                                <span class="o-form__status o-form__status--warning">
                                <span class="o-form__info" id="input-01"></span>
                <!-- Submit -->
                <div class="cell">
                    <input type="submit" class="o-form__input c-button c-button--full" value="Login">
        <!-- ###LOGIN_FORM### -->
    @desc For a proper layout, especially Typo3's own utility class "frame-layout-1" is required. It fixes a
        grid-in-grid issue and the top margin to align with context menu.
    @author Tibor Legat
<div id="c1423" class=" cell small-12 medium-12 large-12 frame frame-default frame-type-login frame-layout-1">
    <div class="tx-felogin-pi1">
        <div>Geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Passwort ein, um sich an der Website anzumelden.</div>
        <!-- ###LOGIN_FORM### -->
        <form action="#" target="_top" method="post">
            <div class="grid-x grid-margin-x grid-margin-y">
                <div class="cell">
                    <div class="o-form__field">
                        <div class="o-form__fluid">
                            {% render '@input--alpha' with {
                                input: { type: 'text'},
                                label: "Benutzername"
                            } %}
                <div class="cell">
                    <div class="o-form__field">
                        <div class="o-form__fluid">
                            {% render '@input' with {
                                input: {
                                    type: 'password',
                                    title: 'Passwort',
                                label: "Passwort"
                            } %}
                <!-- Submit -->
                <div class="cell">
                    {% render '@submit' with {
                        label: 'Login',
                    } %}
        <!-- ###LOGIN_FORM### -->
/* No context defined for this component. */

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